Friday, November 18, 2011

What Up?

Hi, remember me? Blog slacker here, I have been bizzee, don’t hate.

Life has been a little crazzee (I am likin the double z double e, go with it). I am not complaining, whose life isn’t busy? That’s just the way it goes, and ya gotta roll with it or it will bulldoze the shit out of you.

Finishing the basement has consumed our lives lately. Last Thursday, Josh and I went to Lowe’s to get a new bath vanity, tile, light switch COVERS, electrical COVERS (buying COVERS for light switches and electrical outlets is right up there with having a root canal). Don’t be jealous of our exciting life. However, we rewarded ourselves for accomplishing that mind numbing shopping trip with sushi afterwards. Sushi makes everything better, right?

Pax had to get shots on Monday, he took it like a champ. I let him pick where we would go eat lunch after shots, Subway! Really kid? I was banking on Mickey D’s but whatev. I had told him before we went that he was getting shots, I didn’t want to hide it from him or sugar coat it. I told him; “you’re gettin' shots, it’s probably gonna hurt, but it will be over super fast”. He was being really brave and had accepted his fate until……….

The nurses had him pinned down on the table.

I was holding his arms down and he looks right at me and says “Mommy I changed my mind, I don’t want shots.” Waaaaah! Yeah I started crying and told him it was too late. So awful to look at your child and know they are about to be in pain and you have to hold them down while it is inflicted on them. He cried, I cried (probably harder than him) but he was done crying by the time we had his pants pulled up. Tough dude, fist bump my little man, Mom is proud of you.

All was good after that, we got Subway (I pretended it was a cheeseburger) and he was back to normal, until……..

That night, midnight to be exact, when he wandered into our room crying and burning up. Our kids always react badly to vaccines; swollen legs, high fevers, pain, tears, you get the point. He got into bed with me and tossed and turned and fevered all night. The fever finally broke about 4 a.m. and that’s when I finally went to sleep. I just can’t sleep when my kids have high fevers, scares the bejeezus out of me!!

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Potty training………..we’re doin’ it. And not because I chose to, but because Miss Harper apparently thinks it is time. I was totally ok with waiting until she was 2 or older, I am good with being average, Missy Poo is the one who wants to be the over-achiever. Brown noser. The other night I had JUST changed her diaper, and put on her pajamas and not 5 minutes later she looks at me and says “pee!”

Gah, really? I just put on a new diaper and pajamas do we really need to take it all off?


She runs to the bathroom, so I follow her, take EVERYTHING back off, put her on the toilet…..and we sit. And sit. And sit. We sing some songs, point out things in the bathroom (a TOWEL!! How exciting!!) and then she starts grunting and………..ok I will spare you the deets but it ended in her dropping a deuce in the toilet. I clapped, I cried (yup, cried) and maybe even danced a little. If you are a parent, you know how awesome this is! Potty training sucks. Getting your child to go #2 on the toilet sucks even more, so when your child pretty much does it on their own………..yeah that warrants a happy dance in the bathroom. And of course a picture taken on the phone and sent to Daddy at work who screamed when he saw it and showed it to his employees (he doesn’t get that NOBODY else wants to see that shit, LITERALLY!) Ok Harper, you’re a big girl now, go ahead and grow up and turn into a sulken teenager and hate me.

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Thanks Paula Ridgway for knitting BOTH the hats in these pictures. I about die from the cuteness of them!!

Paxton has been a little “temperamental” these days. One trip to Walmart included him going batshit crazy because he couldn’t get a toy, and I had to leave after only getting bananas and apples. I had to drag him out of the store kicking and screaming and shove him in the car (he wouldn’t get in!). I was just waiting for someone to turn me in for kidnapping, but I am sure they realized nobody in their right mind would kidnap that hot mess. I will NEVER judge that parent in Walmart who has a screaming kid. Been there, done that, I feel like I am part of a secret club now, the: “my child has thrown the mother-load of fits in Walmart” club. I was quite ok NOT being in that club.

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Just a couple random thoughts, cause no blog post would be complete without them.

Transformers! I hate them! I am convinced you have to have an engineering degree to figure those stupid toys out. Pax will bring a jumbled mess of plastic to me and ask me to turn it into a car. Say what!!! How the hell am I supposed to do that? I try my hardest, I really do, but they just piss me off. And I never can actually do it. Thus, the reason I hate Transformers. Well that and because they cost a fortune.

Breaking Dawn……….I was one of the peeps who went to the midnight showing of it. As I was walking out the door at 10:45 I looked at Josh and said “I am too old for this!” HOWEVER, totally worth it, loved the movie! And I have decided I am Team Charlie now (Bella’s Dad). I mean he is so freakin cute and funny and won’t suck your blood or claw your face off, win-win!!

Facebook……..I am annoyed by it on a daily basis.

1. Because it will never be as cool as pinterest and 2. I am sick of peoples drama and boo-hooing all the time on it. Wanh wanh wanh people, nobody cares……..hmmmmm maybe I am just getting old and grouchy? Rhetorical question, rhetorical question.

And to finish off this post? A few funny Paxton sayings:

The other day it started snowing. I got so excited!

“Pax come here!! It’s snowing!!”

Pax wanders in nonchalantly…. “are you serious?”

Why would I lie about that!?!?!

I told him the other day that he was so smart and he walks away shrugging

“yeah, I’m 4.”

Yeah? Well I am 29, so there.

The other night I put him to bed, he whined and stalled, and whined and wanted me to lay with him (no sir, I have tv shows dvr’d that are calling my name!). I went out to the living room and hear him say:

“Mom! Mom!”


“Why do you and Dad get to sleep together” I totally remember asking myself this question when I was little. I remember thinking that of course parents are never scared, they get to sleep together!! Not fair!!

“Because we are married, and when you get married you can have someone to sleep with.” Pretty sure my parents said the same thing to me when I was little. I still didn’t think it was fair.

2 minutes later:

“Mom! Mom!”


“Is God telling me to be brave right now”

“Yes, God is telling you to be brave……..and He is saying to go to sleep!”

It worked, he fell asleep about a second later.

Ok that’s all folks.

Happy weekend……. Go Cats……….wish me luck on our potty training bootcamp that will commence all weekend. Be jealous, be VERY jealous!

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

This & That….

Omigoodness, 2 posts in 2 days?!?!? I just fell off my chair! No I didn’t, but that would be funny, admit it, you would laugh at me.

I have had a heck of a freakin day! It’s one of those days where you just want to just raise your hand and scream “RE-DO!! Can I get a re-do on this day?!?!”

It all started at the early hour of 5:30 a.m. when I FINALLY (after a month of “rest” prescribed to myself by me) got my butt out of bed and went to the gym. I met B there, we had to run inside since it was cold and drizzly, have I mentioned how much I loathe the treadmill? I do.

The first sign that the day was going to be batshit crazy was when I pulled into the parking lot of the gym and there are 2 cop cars in front and a man (who resembled Santa Clause, except maybe Santa on meth) was handcuffed in the back of the cop car screaming “God bless America!!” I should have just turned around then and crawled back into bed. But I didn’t.

So B and I get on our treadmills and she looks at me and says “an hour?” AN HOUR!! It’s my first day after my month of “rest” and you want to run for an hour, guuuurl you lost your mind. But you don’t tell B no. I tried, I shook my head no, I put in my ear phones and pretended not to hear her, I wouldn’t make eye contact, but wouldn’t you know I still ended up running almost an hour? I swear that girl has some kind of crazy mind power. 50 minutes to be exact and 5 miles. GAH! 5 miles after my month long hiatus? Sheesh, so much for easing back in.

So then I get home, have a cup of coffee and eggs, chill for a bit then start to get the kids ready for Paxton’s doctor appt at 10. Of course the kid decide to go WWF and were wrestling, and yelling and crying.

We managed to get out the door at 9:45 and we are on the front porch and I realize I forgot to put a coat on Pax.

Run inside and get coat.

 I go BACK outside put the coat on him and am tugging on Harper’s hand and she will not budge off the porch. She keeps yelling “shoes!!” I say “yes you have shoes on, now lets go.” Only to look down and realize she DOESN’T have shoes on!!

Run inside and get shoes.

I put Harper in her carseat, put her shoes on her, get in front seat and proceed to back out. I am watching in the rear view mirror as I back out and see Harper bailing over the backseat!!! I hadn’t buckled her in!!

Slam on breaks, yank open door, buckle my child in, get in front seat, go to call Josh to tell him how shitty my day is………no phone.

Run inside and get phone.

FINALLY drive to the doctors office, unload kids, get up to the doctor office only to find out our appt. was at 9…….we had missed it.

Put a fork in me, I am done. (Still don’t know why I thought the appt. was at 10, whatevs.)

On a lighter note, here are some more pics from Paxton’s birthday WEEK. Yeah we celebrate birthdays in week long increments around here.

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Birthday morning, opening his present from Harper. He kept saying “Thanks Babe!!” to her.

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Making cupcakes for his class.

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I told Harper not to touch the mixer that it would give  her a boo-boo so she did this………..

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Sat on her hands…..until it was time to lick the batter, then she just sat on one hand and ate batter with the other. Yes, I let my kids eat raw batter, I won’t rob them of a childhood memory just because of a little salmonella. What kind of Mom would that make me!

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Birthday dinner with the supper club… Willies!! Duh. Josh had to work so we went there so he could join us when he wasn’t busy.

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Harper even scored some new goods……crayons and paper so she could draw her “puppies.”

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“Texting” on his new play cell.

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This is what baby girls hair looks like after pig-tails and nap-time. GOO!!!

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Big brothers are hilarious.

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Painting Dino eggs for the Dino egg hunt at Paxton’s party.

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And now, to make my day EVEN better, I get to listen to Josh and the electrician hammering and sawing away in the basement while Harper tries to sleep. Explain to me WHY you need to hammer and saw while wiring a basement? That doesn’t sound too reassuring to me. My husband is not the handiest guy, so forgive me if I am a bit nervous about him helping the electrician. I tease him and say that I won’t be surprised if I go down there when it is all finished, flip on a light switch, only to have the washing machine come on and a toilet flush. Except I am only HALF joking, half of me could totally see this happening.

Happy Tuesday, hope yours is better than mine, and if it’s not……….well that is why wine was invented. Grab a bottle and head over this way.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Rock N’ Roar!!

Saturday was Paxton’s birthday party.

This was the first year we had a “kid party”.….ya know, one with FRIENDS!!

This is the last year I will do a “kid party” at my house. Too stressful, too small of a space, too much…..period.

EVERY year, I say “oh this year I am just going to do a small party, and not go crazy on decorations or planning. They are kids, all they care about are the presents anyway!” And EVERY year, I go a bit overboard! This year I blame it all on Pinterest. That damn website kept planting little ideas in my head and the next thing I know I am at Party City blowing $100 on party stuff………for a 4 year olds party!! Ridunkulous I tell ya!

Not to mention that my husband saw this party as an excuse to “smoke some shit” (food people! get your head out of the gutter!) so he spent quite a bit at the grocery store. Cha-ching, cha-ching, cha-ching. Geez.

Paxton had fun though. About 10 minutes before the party started, I got texts from 2 different parents saying their kids couldn’t come, so I was SUPER worried that nobody was going to come and I was going to have all these party favors with no kids to take them home. But it turned out well and all party favors got taken home, and the kids seemed to have a lot of fun. I am so glad the weather was “nice-ish” it was a little chilly and pretty windy but the sun was out and as long as the kids had jackets on, they were good to play outside.




Every year I contemplate ordering a cake and saving myself a lot of time (I CANNOT bake cakes, I LOVE baking but cakes are my nemesis!!) but I like the special touch of baking the kids cupcakes every year for their birthday. So every year I bake 50 cupcakes. Maybe after I take a baking class I can conquer the dreaded cake.


Made this! Bam!! Hand-stitched………..I REALLY need a sewing machine!!











The little archaeologists ready to go on their “Dino Dig!”






Dino Egg hunt!








Uhhhh can you see who Pax might have a little crush on? He followed Addison around all day!









Check out the little girls feet, both are crossed, I die from the cuteness of it!!!

I wanted to get pictures of all the guests who came because one of their party favors was a dino picture frame. I PLAN on getting them printed and sending them with their thank you cards. That’s the plan at least, we’ll see if it ever gets done. Just sayin.












Birthday Boy!




And of course, Eleanor!


Hell the party was such a success it caused the earth to move later on that night…….oh wait, no that was just the earthquake we had. Crap, one more thing to add onto my long list of fears. Earthquakes! Who’da thunk it?

Thank you to all of our family and friends who came to celebrate with Paxton. As stressful as it was, it was a great day and we are so happy you all could celebrate with us!!!!