Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Simple Pleasures

I read a blog called Kelly's Korner by a girl that lives in Arkansas...yes that's right, I read a complete strangers blog, in fact I am quite obsessed with it :) Don't judge me, my sisters do it too!! her blog title was simple pleasures and she was telling all her readers to make a blog about their simple pleasures so here are mine, in no special order...

1. watching my kids sleep
2. the smell of coffee
3. a warm house when it's cold outside
4. a great smelling candle
5. relaxing on the couch with a glass of wine while Josh cooks dinner (this happens pretty much every night he has off, it's GREAT!!)
6. a sleeping baby laying on your chest
7. listening to the rain while falling asleep
8. a clean house (I am a bit anal about this, I can't go to sleep if the house is messy)
9. seeing my kids smile
10. dancing with Pax in the kitchen, singing at the top of our lungs
11. grilling out on the deck in the summer

Really I could go on forever because there are so many small things in my life that I am so grateful for. I am learning not to take anything for granted, our life is a gift from God, our CHILDREN are a gift from God and either can be taken away in a moments notice and it's so important to never forget that.

Here are some pictures of my GREATEST pleasures, the kids of course!!

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