Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Year..

So it's a New Year and with that comes the ol' resolutions, ya know the ones you make but never actually stick to for more than a month? Well THIS year I am convinced I will stick to them! Before I put what they are in writing (thus making them REAL) I will go over how 2009 was a great year for so many reasons:

1. I learned that I am a strong person when we uprooted our family and moved to El Dorado last February, leaving behind my sisters and my Dad and the town I love so much! I had lived in Manhattan my entire life and I was ok with never leaving, and then the opportunity to buy a bar here in El Dorado came up and I knew that it was a smart business decision for Josh and his partners so I said we could move. I knew leaving my sisters was going to be the hardest thing ever for me, they had watched Pax everyday since he was 8 weeks old and they had been my best friends my whole life. The day came to leave, and the tears would not stop coming, I cried the entire way to El Dorado and for many days after that. But slowly it got easier, I made friends at work and slowly got used to life here in "el dog". I still miss my sisters and wish we were still only a 5 min drive away, but through facebook, texting and our blogs, we still are as close as ever.

2. I had my baby girl!! I was completely shocked when all 6 home pregnancy tests came back positive last March. I mean we had just moved to a new town, the bar had just opened and Josh was super busy with that, we were still living with his parents while we tried to sell our house in Manhattan, and I had just started a new job....a baby was NOT part of that plan!! But ready or not, it was going to happen. We eventually sold our house, bought our own here and got settled in and the thought of a new baby wasn't so scary anymore. And now she is here and I can't remember what life was like without her. She may not have been planned, but she is loved so much and I am grateful she is in our lives.

3. Our business is doing great, I have great friends that I have met here, we joined a wonderful church and love going there every Sunday, my in-laws are 5 blocks away and have been a tremendous help to me on days when I just need a break, I have a home I love and look forward to the MANY projects we will do in the future, my husband is still my best friend and this past year definately brought us closer, and of course last but not least I have 2 healthy kids whom I love so much.

Ok so what do I want to accomplish THIS year?

1. Lose the last of the baby weight...duh you have to have the oh so original weight loss new years resolution right? I can't wait to get back to the Y and get my friend Jamie, who is a personal trainer, to get my butt in shape!! Before I found out I was prego with Harper I had been working out a lot and was doing group training with some friends. I was in the best shape I had been in for a long time and was below my pre-pregnancy weight for the first time since Pax was born. Well of course all that changed when I got pregnant again, but at least I know I have it in me to do it again.

2. Continue going to church and teaching Pax about God and faith. I didn't realize how important church was until we started going regularly and now I look forward to going every Sunday. There is nothing like looking over and seeing your 2 year old bowing his head and praying (and then yelling AMEN so loud everyone in the church starts laughing).

3. Try to be more patient with Paxton.

4. Look into nursing school, the thought of going back to school scares the bageezus out of me, but I think it will pay off in so many ways in the long run.

5. Be a better wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend to everyone.

So there ya have it, that's what I want to accomplish in the next year. Here are some pics I took of the kiddos yesterday, our first pics of 2010, but certainly not the last!! :)


ok she is over it :)

1 comment:

  1. I think those are all good resolutions and you won't have a problem with any of them...well maybe the nursing school one. I keep talking about going to nursing school too but the thought of going back to school makes me want to throw up :) You already are an AMAZING wife, mom, sister, and daugther so you can cross that one off and your already almost back to your pre pregnancy weight so couple more months of nursing and you'll have that one done too. You will grow more patient with Paxton as Harper gets older and doesn't need you as much. It's just hard right now because Paxton doesn't understand how much Harper needs you right now. Happy New Year! Love you all SO much!!!
