Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Harper is 3 weeks old!!

I can't believe my little girl has been with us for 3 weeks! It's gone by so fast which makes me sad because it means I have to go back to work soon. I do miss having adult conversation during the day though, but that doesn't mean I am ready to leave my baby. Well there is not much that Harper is doing at 3 weeks, pretty much she eat, sleeps and poops. She cries when she is getting dressed, is hungry and SOMETIMES she will cry when she is sick of being in her boppy or bouncer and wants to be held a little bit, and of COURSE I oblige, she is my baby girl after all. Nursing is still going really well which I am ecstatic about, by this time with Pax I was already using formula 80% of the time and had pretty much given up even attempting to nurse. Not only does it benefit her in so many ways, it saves so much money!!! I won't say that it's easy, she still eats often so it feels like some days that's all I do, but I know that in time we WILL get on a schedule and I just have to keep being patient. Ok, sorry to go on and on about that subject, I am sure some of you are thinking TMI, TMI!!!! So last night I am pretty sure she smiled for the first time, and I am not talking passing gas smiled, I mean for real entertained/happy smiled. She was laying on Josh's lap and he started playing patty cake with her and she was smiling. I am still sick and going back to the doctor tomorrow. I am pretty sure I have either bruised/fractured my rib from coughing so hard. I woke up last week with shooting pain in my right rib and it has progressively gotten worse and is now at the point that I can't even TALK without shooting pain from my front all the way to my back. I have been sick since before I had Harper and I am pretty sick of it, no pun intended. Pax is doing better, but all of a sudden this week out of nowhere he is crying every night and asking for Daddy. It breaks my heart because I know that Josh can't just leave work and come home and a 2 year old doesn't understand this. Hopefully it's a phase and will end soon, I hate not being able to comfort him, ok and I admit I hate not being the one he is crying for :) Here are some pics of Harper at 3 weeks. s
Does she look like she is smiling in some of these pictures? I love the pic of Josh's hands by her, you can really tell how small she is compared to his hands.


  1. wow 3 wks already...that went fast!! she is beautiful!!

  2. omg she is SO cute!! She already looks bigger than when i saw her 4 days ago!! Poor pax :( that makes me so sad! Im sure its just a phase!

  3. yes time is going fast!! Amber I am pretty sure she IS bigger! I was looking at her last night and was thinking that her face is chunkin up a little bit!

  4. I was going to say the same thing as Amber. She looks like she grew quite a bit that last couple days :*( Poor Pax! He probably got used to him being there at night over Christmas but I'm sure he'll get back into the swing of things. And yes, she looks like she is really smiling in those pics!
