Thursday, December 23, 2010

Seeing Santa!!

Wanted to edit these (ya know since I am all obsessed with photoshop now, seriously OBS-ESS-ED) but my sister (ahem, Sarah) is demanding I post these. So here you go Sis.....our visit to see Santa!!

"Harper just hold still for the photo!!"

Nope, she has a mind of her own!

Looks like he is throwin up some mad gang signs, but no he is just telling me to stop taking pictures. He really hates it.....whatever.

Waitin in line for calm (for now, hee hee)

He is having a blast can you tell?

So happy Pax didn't FREAK OUT this year!! He actually sat on Santas lap forever (the ladies were havin some issues with the camera) and talked and talked and talked.

But look who DID freak out!! I am sorry, ya just gotta laugh at this!

"Get me the hell outta here Mom!!"

Tryin to squirm off his lap after she saw I was in fact NOT rescuing her from strange hairy old guy.

After we were done, I tried on a couple dresses at Von Maur and took her in the dressing room with me and she decided to escape.

This is her crawling under and out of the dressing room (don't worry, Nana was waiting outside)

Hahaha, love it!

1 comment:

  1. Bahahaha! I love the 1st pic of them both with Santa. Harper is pissed! So proud of Pax. I thought you for sure had him traumatized for life!
